Updated Gallery Favs Layout

13 min read

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Ikue's avatar


January 11, 2017

As I'm sure you're all aware of by now, there have been some updates to the way gallery/fav look and operate. I'd hope that it's not too much of a shock to most of you, as this layout was announced all the way back in June of 2015 and launched to everyone for the main browse pages in May of 2016. We've been slowly adding this Torpedo grid everywhere deviations are displayed and this is just the next step in that process.

That being said. It can take some getting used to and some things have changed. I've noticed some questions circling and thought I'd take a stab at answering them.

Why can't I edit my gallery/favs anymore?

You most certainly can! With the new layout, editing has been moved to a Mode, similar to how you must enter Edit Mode on your profile page to alter your widgets. While on your gallery/fav tab (or folder) click the "Edit Page" button near to the top right of the page. This will initiate Edit Mode and you can adjust your gallery/favs the same way you used to. It's just a click away!

What about groups?

Well… groups get the same treatment. However, instead of and "Edit Page" button, when you enter a folder in a group you will click the "Edit Folder" ("Edit Collection" in favs) button then choose "Edit Deviations" from the fly-out menu that appears. This will enable edit mode for those folders and you can alter your group's content from there.

Why doesn't my group show any deviations in the gallery/fav tab?

:star: This issue is now resolved! Sadly this is a bug on our part. We are well aware of it and will have a solution in place shortly. For now, you can visit the individual folders to view group artwork. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Why does my entire gallery show when searching?

:star: This is now resolved! Unfortunately this is another hiccup. Search results in galleries/favs should only show items relevant to your query. Our DeviousTechnology team is aware and working on a solution.

Where has the page selector gone?

Infinite scrolling is where it's at. When you initially load a gallery/fav folder the first 24 deviations will appear by default. If you're a Core Member you can adjust this to show 60 or 120 deviations on load through your Browsing Settings on your Account Settings page. Once you start scrolling other items from your gallery/favs will automatically popular the feed so as to make for a smoother browsing experience, uninterrupted by page loads. Because of the way editing must function the pagination feature will remain for that mode only.

Why then, do I only see the first 24 deviations in my gallery/favs even if I scroll?

This appears to be an issue with browser extensions. Some extensions (like an ad blocker) can interfere with the way the site is designed to operate. You may wish to try disabling any extensions or features you have enabled to see if this clears up the issue. You can also try visiting in another browser where these features are not installed to check quickly if that is the case.

Can we get pagination back?

Aww, come on! You don't like a single wall of awesome artwork you can scroll through? If you really must you can adjust your Browsing Settings and ensuring "Paging" is set to "click through pages" instead of scroll through.

Why can't I rearrange my folders?

:star: This is now resolved! To rearrange your folders please enter edit mode then drag your folders up and down. Just like before, if you had your folders set to only display text you will first have to switch this to thumbnail view before you can rearrange. For groups, you will see an extra button labeled "edit folders" on the main gallery tab page. This is on us again… There are sadly a few bumps in the road that cropped up once the feature went live that weren't happening on the smaller test scale. We're aware and we're working on a solution!

Why are my deviations zoomed in?

:star: There was a minor bug that was cropping your thumbnails more than they should have been. This has since been resolved. :star: I'm afraid this isn't a bug. Nor is it new to this release. Wider deviations have always been cropped so that they don't break the layout of the page. In previous iterations there were visual clues such as a shadow and line that made the image appear as though it were tucked into the page. These clues would break the flow of this new layout and so they just appear cropped. As mentioned, this isn't new to this release and should you have feedback regarding the way torpedo handles these deviations please leave it on the announcement article from back in in June of 2015  or  May of 2016

I think that covers the main issues I've been seeing… I'm sure you'll let me know if I've missed something. In the interim we have updated the FAQ's on the subject. If you come across any that we missed or need something clarified that wasn't mentioned above please let me know, or file a ticket through the help desk.

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Xein000's avatar
Can you please update the Edit Page thing?
When I click on it I get pages and the scrolling is not there and it's irritating,
mostly if I want to move the submissions around like I could earlier, if I remember right.